Many people above this post have delineated reasons how they won't be affected. For the sake of completing the picture, and helping you answer your question OP, I'll elaborate on the negatives.
The great disadvantage is a sharp limitation in
income and ability to pioneer a solo career afterwards. The income bit can be ameliorated through tours later on, but as long as covid remains, it is a bit hard.
Artists who do well digitally and thus have an implied interest among the GP gain much of their income through CFs, where they may earn thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of USD per apperance. This avenue is, of course, mostly closed to these new boygroups - who instead rely on money from TV appearances and album sales. However, as we know, album sales revenue is mostly eaten up by the label and production costs, and TV appearances do not pay well.
Furthermore, it may affect individual member's prospects of going solo. It is a bit difficult to justify the investment for companies, when the artists are incapable of producing a domestic hit. Of course, we are still a bit of a ways off from when most of these artists would think to have a solo album but it is something to consider.