I loooooove Xiaoting. She's my main pick for C-group, but she didn't stand out as a center even though she looked stunning. Yurina (my #1 overall) is a softie, but she did well with the little screentime she got. They should've used her voice more, I mean, she's amazing. Youngeun is my new Choi Yena: good-at-everything-dol while being a cute baby off stage. I love this cell and how they match.
Yujin was the biggest let down both in terms of performance and leadership. She was outshined by literally everyone in the group. But because of the cell thing, it's hard to imagine Cai Bing fitting in the same concept as Yujin... Yujin fits Fiesta, Cai Bing doesn't. Cai Bing fits The Eve, Yujin doesn't. Yujin fits Pretty U, Cai Bing doesn't... And so on. May would do well in any team tbh. She's the hidden card in thins cell.
Everyone is cringing ant Doah but I love it lol I feel like she took that Etude House sassy princess role. She's so fun lol. But yeah, team #1 was better.
Overall I agree with the judges so far, I just think they were too harsh on Cai Bing because she did well imo.