Who is prettier Irene or secret number lea
Personally I think lea is prettier than Irene.
Who is prettier Irene or secret number lea
Personally I think lea is prettier than Irene.
who are they and when did they debut?
i'm scared they will bully sokor government to recognize palestine just because they listen to south korean music
i hope they do because palestinians deserve better
me too I am fan of theirs
I want to win
congratulations to them. And most of their fans stream, they don't buy physically
stream what?
on instagram woah
but why is their albums sales so slow then?
Are they doing well?
Are they doing well?
no but I really hope so
my thread is flopping lol
oh shit what is going to happen to other japanese idols and trainees
did knetz ever talk bad about oh my girl encore ? people wanna go at twice for having fun at encores but don’t hold other groups at the same level. Why is that?