Posts by LilMsMarie

    Okay but do you have to be such a downer... just let them enjoy their new found fame for however long it lasts. The girls themselves even mentioned in a recent interview that they tried really hard to not get their hopes up because something gone viral could die down real quick .. they were already packing their bags to give up and live normal lives. Even if the interest is only temporary.. Brave Girls have waited 10 years for their moment to come and it has .. instead of being negative, let's support and cheer them on while they're still around.

    It's because people have already made up their mind that Soojin is guilty. It seems like no matter who backs her up, what Soojin herself says/company says, if they meet with the alleged victim(s) etc it's all nothing but "they're lying to give her an albi", "she's only apologizing because she got caught and she didn't admit to the bullying only the lesser crimes. Shameless!", "she's meeting with the alleged victim(s)? probably to bribe them to change their story or stay quiet!" I swear some be acting like this is some Danganronpa level shit. :-D

    I mean, obviously, a lot of the cases of bullying are true just like a lot of them are also false. I'd rather just stay neutral and not look like a complete :clown:

    Personally, I find it strange people are taking sides... fighting about who's right and who's wrong so fiercely ...... what happened to just staying neutral? There's nothing wrong with that. I mean, this isn't a game ... it's real people's lives at stake .. both which can be really hurt in these type of situations and honestly the amount of bashing I've seen on the accused and the victim blaming is really disappointing but not surprising. That's the internet for you. Hypocrites and bullies behind their computer screens allllllllllll around.

    You talk as if the internet forgets. The word "bully" will follow these idols for the rest of their careers .. whether it's true or not. It doesn't matter how long they stay away for. For example, Irene has been forgiven by the women she verbally abused and they're both trying to move on but of course there's many people out there that would like to make sure Irene, RV, and their fans never forget what she had done. The internet can be quite an unforgiving place. They don't believe people can grow or change. It's always "they better apologize and make it right!" then when said person does apologize "they only apologized because they got caught! not buying it" .. you can't win. That's why I think a hiatus is pointless.. personally.