Hey Guys
So while browsing steam's lunar new year sale, I saw this game: Angel Wings https://store.steampowered.com/app/862440/Angel_Wings/
Now this is clearly just some bad visual novel game, but they've used members from ITZY and AOA as the game characters. This is obviously some kind of copyright violation, as the developers don't have permission to use their likeness. I have reported the game on steam, but am not sure what else to do. I haven't seen anyone else talk about this, which is why I'm creating this thread. I tried tweeting about it, but It didn't really get any response.
Just look at these screenshots from the steam's store page:
"Jei" which is clearly Yeji from Itzy
"Kei" AOA's Choa
AOA's Seolhyun
And many more...
This could definitely end in a lawsuit right? also the first trailer for the game is using a kpop song, but I don't know which song it is. Does anybody know?