IF YOU HAD TO PICK ONE BLACKPINK SONG AS YOUR FAVORITE??? ahndaengdaeng Jan 17th 2021 Lovesick Girls is only the correct answer :D
#2: KPOP Artists Song Battle: GOT7 "If You Do" vs GOT7 "Never Ever" ahndaengdaeng Jan 17th 2021 If you do's footwork is iconic.I practiced that dance so much it became a habit when i'm bored.
[VISUAL BATTLE] Wonyoung vs Yuna ahndaengdaeng Jan 17th 2021 I don't really like Wonyoung's visuals. But she got that cute-innocent looks.I prefer Yuna's. She's really beautiful especially on ICY's era when she got blonde hair.
Give your honest opinion. Do you find Lisa pretty? ahndaengdaeng Jan 17th 2021 She's not really that "pretty",but she's cute and is very charismatic when performing.
BADGE REQUEST - [Closed see Akorn store] ahndaengdaeng Jan 17th 2021 Username: ahndaengdaengFree badge: IZ*ONE's Yujin