-If roses song is in full english or more english and less korean
-The album suprisingly being English dominant
Are they transitioning to becoming a FULL english GG to ultimately try to become the biggest GG of all time? Spicegirls beware
-If roses song is in full english or more english and less korean
-The album suprisingly being English dominant
Are they transitioning to becoming a FULL english GG to ultimately try to become the biggest GG of all time? Spicegirls beware
blink fandom si bigger and bigger everyweek or everyday next thing we know they are selling 2 to 4M copies an album and having stadium tours everywhere
lol bobbys doing fine
but kingdom will finally make treasure un nugu in korea
growing fandom woot
D4, nonstop, hylt , lsg, ladida, love scenario , feel special , yes or yes, boca , wannabe , star , i dont miss u
wow i tjought i was the only fan here T-T tthe famdom is growing sjows how thr girls harswork is working! The next big GG!