Drop your objective critiques of Aespa's Coachella performance

  • i.e. share the opinions you fear will get you labeled as an anti on your main but please no baseless hating! would like for this to be an opportunity for people to actually be honest and not worry about being chewed up by MYs but please actually be objective rather than hating for the sake of it - please mention stuff you liked too!!

    for me,

    stuff i liked :

    - they were actually live! ningning popped off with her vocals and i was impressed by karina during their new song as well. winter's voice

    is extremely sweet and she is definitely one of my favorite live vocals

    - they definitely made more effort to interact with the crowd than past performances

    now onto the criticism :

    - giselle's outfit was hideous lmao they need a better stylist asap

    - the live vocals meant they had the tendency to get very shouty (giselle) or very screechy (winter and ningning high notes at the end of


    - their stage presence is not quite there and they don't really know how to hype a crowd (still miles better than MAMA though)

    - speaking of crowd, maybe it got larger over time since it seemed fine in the photo sm posted but it was definitely dead as hell at certain

    points. giselle asking if coachella was ready and the crickets that followed gave me secondhand embarassment

    - the new song was boring af i'm sorry

    all in all, it's great they got the opportunity! looking at twitter trends alone, i don't see this making huge waves outside the kpop keyboard police but i think they had fun and that's great. this weekend definitely solidified ningning as the most interesting member to me lol

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  • glad to see that they sang live but it was kind of boring and the crowd looked dead. But I will wait for the official live stream to tell. But then again, most of the performances have been pretty boring so far. I will comment again later to see how it goes.

  • you are obviously bitter. If you are to be objective, then you could have at least waited for the official HQ version.

    Like many said, the crowd is dead for everyone. You are exactly what the mod superyea has described in the official thread regarding to crowds. Didn't you post in the official thread also. I know who you are lol. Why even bother.

  • Objectively speaking they were better vocally live than most 4th gen ggs. They handled savage next level and black mamba well and still delivered vocally. Winter and Giselle seem to have more stamina but Karina and Ningning still killed it. I liked hearing the imperfections in their vocals when dancing. Sm better let them sing live next era.

  • They did decently, but out of all ggs performed in coachella, clearly they were the least best. Live vocals mostly good, definitely some cracks in the highnotes and need more stamina cause they were breathy af. stage presence was good for the moments they were engaging with the crowd, but the livestream will determine it. Not a very good crowd, yes sm photos proved there was one, but vids of its are boring af, i was so embarrased when they ask for the hands in the air and no one payed the attention, but probably is the same as other artists for now. Anyways it was mid, not bad not good.

  • If the singing was live it seems like the backtrack was loud.

  • Winter looks best with short hair.

  • bad skills but full credit to them for finally going live properly

    they'll get better with experience

  • you are obviously bitter. If you are to be objective, then you could have at least waited for the official HQ version.

    Like many said, the crowd is dead for everyone. You are exactly what the mod superyea has described in the official thread regarding to crowds. Didn't you post in the official thread also. I know who you are lol. Why even bother.

    Never posted in the main thread and am def not an anti or bitter lol the whole point of posting this in anons was so MYs wouldn't come charging in accusing everyone slightly critical of their faves of being a jealous hater but clearly you didn't get the memo

    I actually prefer unofficial fancams to the official livestream because the back track has obviously been turned up in the live stream to mask flaws while the streams had the raw vocals

  • They should sing live more since they capable of doing it. But they really need to amp up the energy while dancing, they look so lethargic there.

  • Giselle and Winter were boring/cringeworthy. Ning Ning carried the group vocally. The new song was boring.

  • Okay, I am back with my review.

    -They had a really loud backtrack for most of their performances but Life's Too Short seemed mostly live and it's honestly maybe one of their best songs to date. It was the best part of their whole performance.

    -Just as I thought, the crowd was pretty dead.

    -Sadly, they did not do better than my expectations. If anything, they did maybe just slightly worse. They were very awkward, and anyone can tell that they are rookies who have very little experience performing on a stage in front of a large audience.

    -Although the vocals were strong, it was kind of too much screeching, like they were trying to use their vocals to compensate for their lack of stage presence.

    -I am wholly convinced after this performance that Winter is the main reason as to why Aespa's stage presence feels so low. She alone brings down the whole average, which was really sad because you could tell Ning Ning and Giselle were trying.

    -On that note, Ning Ning hard carried followed by Giselle. Shocking how two of the most popular members (Karina and Winter) had the worse stage presence. Winter was practically invisible and honestly the most awkward on that stage.

    -The outfits were horrendous. Giselle's especially.

  • It was boring. The crowd sucked. Nothing about it is going to open eyes in the west. But should be a good night for them and their fans. Can't ask for more than that.

  • vocally they were better than both 2ne1 and BP

    Stage presence wise better than 2ne1 and on par with BP

    The crowd engagement wasn't that good though. The set was too short, they should of done a full hour so that the crowd could warm up to them more.

  • Vocally, I thought they did well - was impressed actually given how much choreo they kept. Whether it was the right decision to keep so much choreo, I'm not sure (they performed fine but it took a bit of energy away imo and made it seem less like festival performance).

    Tough crowd in general, not just for aespa. I've watched a lot of the livestream this weekend and last weekend, and there have only been a handful of acts this year who have been able to hype the crowd, and understandably aespa isn't there yet. I think it would've been better for aespa to develop experience performing for large live audiences before going to Coachella, but I still think they did decently given their lack of experience and tough crowd.

  • I'm not a fan of both ggs, but I reckon they did better than the other group that shouldn't be mentioned.

  • vocally they were better than both 2ne1 and BP

    Stage presence wise better than 2ne1 and on par with BP

    The crowd engagement wasn't that good though. The set was too short, they should of done a full hour so that the crowd could warm up to them more.

    I actually haven't watched 2NE1's song but considering CL hard carries their stage presence I believe Aespa was better

    But they were certainly not better than BP in terms of stage presence lol the level of crowd engagement (and yes I know the Coachella crowd in general has been dead af this year) should tell you that

  • too much yeah its not good to my ears :pepe-shrug:

  • op, for all of your criticism about their vocals. aespa live vocals are much better than Blackpink and 2NE1. There.

  • They sing all the songs live with minimal backtrack, not just Life's Too Short. The official live stream just have horrible editing.

  • I haven't seen high quality videos of the performance yet, only lousy low definition fancams.

    So I didn't see where Giselle's and Ningning's stage presence were apparently so stellar and so much better than Karina's and Winter's, to me they were all alright. If people could point out the specific points in the performance where Giselle or Ningning ruled, I'll check again.

    Vocals in the fancams were loud and strong, better than BP's and 2NE1's.

    People overestimate 2NE1's Coachella performance due to nostalgia and history, but strip that all away, then objectively speaking 2NE1's performance wasn't that great; it only seemed great due to the song and nostalgia glasses but it felt like those old rockers doing their hit songs but with a fraction of the power and impact they used to have in their glory days when they were young.

    So ultimately, Aespa's performance and stage presence was better than 2NE1's but not as good as BP's.

    1 of the reasons was BP's more extensive stage experience - after all, this was Aespa's first real performance on stage in front of an audience and then it's Coachella on top of that.

    But another reason is the choreo difference between YG performances and SM performances: YG has a far less strict choreo with a lot more moments for crowd interactions and members doing their own thing, and also less stamina intensive which compensates for YG's less able singers. In contrast, SM has stamina intensive choreos that bind up the artists far too much and allow fewer hype moments for crowd engagement.

    Aespa might very well have the best live vocals of the 4th gen. But anyone who ever doubted they'd have strong live vocals should have their heads examined: with SM's consistent strong live vocals for every one of their groups, this should never even have been a point of doubt in discussions.

  • They sang live but in some parts it was just them screaming to be heard more than singing.

    The dance and performance in the whole was boring. They clearly don't know how to enjoy the stage and make the public part of it.

    In the end a boring act.

    The clothes tbh weren't that bad, I liked most of the outfits.

  • They did amaeing6, I had so much fun watching them and they sounded beautiful live. It was impressive how good they sounded considering they kept most of the choreo. Their was my favorite kpop gg coachella performance so far.

  • They were fantastic and I enjoyed it.

    I don't need to be an armchair critic like some of you basement dwellers.

    Love to see any of you negative nancies get up on stage yourself at a festival and sing and dance at a level even close to the likes of Aespa, BP or 2NE1.

    I'll wait for you to post your own vids ok?

  • I think for a rookie group who never had their own live concert, arepa did really well. I noticed Karina needs to loosen up and be more confident, she’s the least memorable here. With her looks and talent, she need a cool attitude and charms and so far she’s not there yet. But with experience I’m sure Karina will get better

  • Vocals are not as good as people make it out to be. No wonder they lipsync a lot

  • they definitely need to work on stage presence they were holding back and there was not much engagement with the crowd I don't think the crowd were more into them but at least they sang live that's a start

  • vocally they were better than both 2ne1 and BP

    Stage presence wise better than 2ne1 and on par with BP

    The crowd engagement wasn't that good though. The set was too short, they should of done a full hour so that the crowd could warm up to them more.

    the delusion lol stage presence they were really behind both by a lot

  • Here comes people who have PHD in stage presenceology writing their thesis in here :pepe-big-brain:

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  • I think they did a really good job for a 1 year old group. They've never performed infornt of a big crown before because of covid obviously so I'm really impressed.

  • Someone said "stage presence on par with BP"? I think a certain someone didn't watch BP's set...

    Aespa may have been live, but when you can't even hear it over the backing track does it matter? I could tell she was going for it but Ningning may as well have chilled as much as her bandmates because that backing track was not letting her live.

    Winter had the worst energy. And let's not pretend it's a deliberate choice. She doesn't have charisma on stage. She would drop her expression half a second before her part was done. I'm sure MY's could be like "Oh no she's great look at one minute 35 in this performance" but that would just prove the point really.

    But they got it under their belt, they didn't embarrass themselves. The crowd were nice to them. It was OK. What they need is a lot more experience, and lack of experience is not their fault.

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  • maybe they are so concentrated on not fucking up on their singing and dancing...they were lifeless

    not sure the high notes i heard were them singing live or the backtrack, kind like they picked where to sing live and not to, i could notice the difference cos they sound breathy sometimes, and they the high notes where suspiciouslly not breathy :sketchyk:

    they don´t know they difference betwen performing on small stage to a big one, they stay pack together and when they move to the back in savage, they acted like encore in awards show, stiff as a board

  • It was boring. The crowd sucked. Nothing about it is going to open eyes in the west. But should be a good night for them and their fans. Can't ask for more than that.

    maybe you should take out your goggles and actually see

    of course they did better than 2ne1, but they should have performed on smaller stage. They looked lost there like 4 litle scared mice.

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    3 screams from the public, shouty vocals, pitchy and unstable ningning in most part of the song. And the silence of the crowd is even more hilarious

  • As a fan it was okay but I didn't think it was anything outstanding. At least they sang live this time (apparently)

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