[closed] 20 akorns if you can help me solve this

  • pchromo4 tysm icon!

    A key disadvantage of setting up a business as a corporation is illustrated by the following example. Corporation X pays taxes on its income, then the corporation's owners also pay taxes on their share of that corporation's after-tax earnings they receive via dividends. This is due to

    a. venture capitalism

    b. creative destruction

    c. crony capitalism

    d. double taxation of corporate profits

    "i'm just a child,

    but i'm not above violence."

    -ethel cain, "family tree"

    (find salvation in the plastic)

    Edited once, last by FeLiNa ().

  • Isn't it D? The company is getting taxed on its revenue, and then the remaining revenue paid out as dividends is taxed again on an individual level.

  • FeLiNa

    Changed the title of the thread from “20 akorns if you can help me solve this” to “[closed] 20 akorns if you can help me solve this”.

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