The suicide of the infamous mayor of Seoul, Park Wonsoon, because his long history of sexually harassing interns was about to be exposed, in Jul 2020 basically stopped all projects in Seoul.
I won't go wrong, but because of that and covid and all that, the projects in Seoul are going on only in 2022.
The major venue of Korea, the Chamshil Olympic Stadium, will enter a renovation, beginning in the 2nd half of 2022 and will continue until at least end of 2024. It was supposed to take 4 years, but because of higher costs of materials, the project became a bit less ambitious and would take a shorter amount of time.
Meanwhile, the KSPO Arena, better known as the Gymnastics , is going under another upgrade from Jan 2022 to around Jul 2022.
It seems the city fathers of Seoul are adamantly against KPop and have wasted all the time doing nothing when there could be no concerts, and now when the concerts are about to resume, they will spend more time doing renovations which should have been done earlier.
It is clear that, like what I had said for a long time, the people of K-O-R-E-A, especially the older, higher ups, are the worst enemies of KPop.