Some conspiracy group and Trump supporters found some documents somewhere that said corona was a creation from some US lab. They are also blaming Fauci for mishandling the epidemic. Obviously Fauci made a lot of mistakes, primarily by not calling for a ban to all flights from China the moment it was known there was an unknown SARS-like virus infecting people. And it's also true there's a lot of viruses that were used in experiments, especially for military research. But it's obviously ludicrous to blame everything on Fauci. He spent decades working on medical research, including HIV development, and there would be no reason for him to create the corona, as he doesn't even benefit from the sales of the vaccines. Looks like they are just trying to find a scapegoat because Trump supports are the main people spreading corona

Conspiracy theorists and Trump supporters are trying to blame Fauci for corona
Except that Fauci's NiH DID fund coronavirus gain-of-function research in China - which Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s book lays out in explicit detail. And RFK Jr. is NOT a conservative. It wasn't Trump supporters who found out about Fauci from "documents somewhere" - it's very well documented, but the corrupt US media doesn't dare to criticize a new progressive icon.
"HIV development"? Fauci pushed the horrible drug AZT which killed countless AIDS patients in the 80's.
Now the vaccines he is pushing are turning out to be worthless - or worse. He has been scamming the American public with pseudoscience to play the medical hero for a very long time.
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