With the release of nct u (2021 or something, idk how this works im not a fan) they should be able to reach at least 11 million, making a record for yearly sales for a group

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  • oh really? that's big

    congrats to the group!

  • I feel like you made this thread just to bait the antis into mocking nct fans for counting all units' sales together. Otherwise you wouldn't have made it in anon.

    Anyway, even the units separate sales are impressive enough. I think both 127 and Dream sold over 3.5M each this year and NCT 2021 will most likely sell over 2M. It's impressive no matter how you look at it, as units or as a whole brand.

  • why are fans doing this?

    first they want units to separate for awards nomination but they also want to combine sales of units now?

    make it make sense.

  • Bump

    not you bumping an anon thread, the desperation for attention and fanwars :cryingr:

  • did u just combine 3 acts?lmao

    i don't know why fans are so desperate to make up achievements everyday.

  • The OP makes a statement and says they’re not a fan, then people respond saying fans are so desperate.


    Make it make sense.

  • did u just combine 3 acts?lmao

    i don't know why fans are so desperate to make up achievements everyday.

    op literally stated in the thread title they don't know how nct works, how are they a fan?? lol

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