i just realized all my threads start with uhh........ok ANYWAYS i was bored so im just.......yes. ill say what you are depending on what your battery usually is
0%-10% youre a horrible person or your just too lazy to put your charger in.....or you lost the charger...or you think you dont need it orr youre currently charging your device
11% - 20% Youre charging your phone or you think you dont need the charger
21% - 30% your on your device 24/7 and dont give a crap
31 - 40% you charge your device a lot but not fully, or you go on it alot and charge your phone to 100%\
41% - 50% you make sure your device is charging. if your sleeping it has to be charged, if you eat it has to be charged
51 - 80% your just.......you.......idek what to say you just charge your device a bunch
81% - 100% your.............HUH you charge your thing a lot. or you just go on your device a lot