ar = recording as heard on the CD (lipsync)
live ar = live singing even with breathing rerecorded on top of mr (lipsync)
live mr = live ar with parts that can be sung taken out (part live, part lipsync)
mr = sang 100% live on music accompaniment
live = band or instrumental performance without mr, pure live
[Please no hate, no bash for other groups, this is TXT appreciation thread]
Actually I also just discovered this thread…tatus/1381647666212339716
I remember there was a whole debate about TXT lipsync and even worse only doing dance cover while using BTS vocals in Boy in luv cover (these people must be aren't army or Moa who can't recognized their own faves' vocals ). While some people love the cover, TXT were also get a lot of bashing because of lipsync accusation
But then if you see this, it was actually MR.
Including Replay cover
No offense for singers who did lipsync, because everyone has their own circumstances and conditions. So stop hating on them.
But I just get annoyed because TXT got hate for nothing back then
I mean come on... isn't that just because they did good in song cover?
Anyway, enjoy their performances