“When you go in there, there are women hanging on the bars and screaming. “It looked like a monkey at the zoo, so we called that building ‘Monkey House.’"
"In the early 1960s, camps for pr*****es called ‘Monkey House’ were established in Dongducheon and Pyeongtaek. Those who failed the test* who were diagnosed with S*Ds were forcibly confined and received treatment."
"Those held in the Monkey House were women who were engaged in pr*****n around U.S. military bases. It was none other than the ‘state’ that imprisoned them."
"In November 1954, the stationing of U.S. troops in Korea was officially approved. From then on, women who had difficulty making a living gathered near the base and engaged in prostitution with American soldiers."
"When the Pr*****n Prevention Act was enacted in 1961, pr****n was banned, but camp towns were the only exception."
"The state went beyond turning a blind eye to pr****n in camp towns and actively intervened.
They started managing S*D among s** workers and provided patriotic education."
"During training sessions, public officials praised pr*****es as ‘patriots who earn foreign currency.’ They also talked about the attitude to take in front of American soldiers, saying, 'Sit with your legs crossed and your knees up.'"
"If they contracted a S*D, they were treated like a criminal. They were locked up in the 'fallen test camp' for fear that they might secretly engage in prostitution."
"The quarantined women received injections of penicillin, a treatment for S*Ds.
“I thought my butt was going to fall off after that injection.” -Grandmother A"
"There have been cases where people died after receiving penicillin injections without being properly tested for side effects.
“There were several women who died from shock after receiving the injection.” -Grandmother B"
"Why did the state step in and encourage pr******n?"
"First, the purpose of solidifying the military alliance with the United States"
"Second, the analysis is that it was due to earning foreign currency."
'In 1964, when Korea's foreign currency income was only $100 million, the money earned from the US military-only dance hall where pr******n took place amounted to $9.7 million.'
"In 2014, women from camp towns filed a lawsuit for damages, claiming that the state encouraged p*******n."
"On the 8th last month, the court issued a ruling acknowledging the state's responsibility. This is a historic ruling that for the first time recognized the promotion of pr*******n by the state."
"“The plaintiffs themselves brought out the painful parts of modern history and confirmed that the state should take responsibility.” -Attorney Ha Joo-hee (plaintiff's co-representative)"
"A rare incident in which the state encouraged p*****n among its citizens. We must never forget that historical truth."
We must leave this behind so that sad history does not repeat itself.
original post: here
1. Take responsibility you f*cking bas**rds ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
2. Those f*ckers were going around selling women to run this country, I don't feel bad at all that it's heading towards its own ruins
3. Crazy that this country still relies on women to survive
4. This country has profited by selling women for too long...
5. So these people really can't do anything if women didn't exist...
6. F*cking disgusting country, I will never forget...
7. This country will forever sell women away to feed their bellies ㅋㅋㅋ F*ck
8. Nothing has changed...
9. Wow... I only learned about this incident now, but nothing has changed
10. Nowhere in the history of this country have men ever treated women like humans. It's been 10 years that we're trying to push feminism but they're acting like women are suddenly trying to ask to be treated like humans and the locals are all throwing a fit