[Spoiler Alert for Cast Away] I remember when I watched that movie once

  • I know that Cast Away is an old movie, but still...

    I was pretty young back then when I watched that movie for the first time. (I haven't watched it since then, but would maybe rewatch one day)

    Not sure how young, but maybe 12 or a bit older.

    And I was watching it with my cousin, who was a bit older than me.

    There was this scene where Wilson floats away from Tom Hanks and Hanks is crying because of it.

    And I remember saying something like "Dude, it's just a volleyball."

    But my cousin said "That volleyball was his only friend."

    Well... it sounds like my cousin had more empathy than I did.

    I think my empathy has gotten better since then though.

  • HwaGoose

    Changed the title of the thread from “[CW: Cast Away spoilers] I remember when I watched that movie once” to “[Spoiler Alert for Cast Away] I remember when I watched that movie once”.

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