The Girl Who Turned into a Goose | fanfic

  • The Girl Who Turned into a Goose

    Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl called Geowi.

    Everywhere she went, people always said that she was beautiful.

    Almost all of the guys wanted to marry her.

    Her step-father, JYP, was jealous.

    He wished that people would call him handsome, but no one did.

    One day, JYP put on his magic plastic pants and suddenly had magic powers.

    He walked over to her and said "wae guraji molla, now you're a goose."

    And then she turned into a goose.

    "Now who's the fairest of them all now?" He let out an evil laughter. "No one is going to call you beautiful anymore and no one would want to marry someone like you."

    Geowi had tears in her eyes.

    Then he left.

    Geowi went to a duck pond and cried.

    Every day, she would see people walking by and feeding the ducks.

    But none of the people called her beautiful.

    And people were also too scared to walk too close to her because they were afraid she would bite.

    One day, she saw a guy, who she could tell was a prince from the way he was dressed.

    He was looking at the ducks and also at her.

    He walked closer towards the pond.

    The ducks swam away from him, but he noticed that Geowi didn't.

    There was no fear in his eyes.

    "I think you're cute." he said. "I wish you could live with me."

    Suddenly she turned into a human again, her dress and shoes getting wet from the pond.

    "Thank you so much, I never thought I would turn into a human again."

    "You're welcome." he said with a smile.

    Tears fell down from her eyes, leaving wet dots on her clothes.

    He took a handkerchief out of his pocket and gave it to her.

    She dried her own face.

    "I want to get to know you more." he said. "What is your name? Mine is Seonghwa."


    "What a fitting name."

    Then Geowi and Seonghwa got married and lived happily ever after.

    And JYP go jealous again and tried to turn her into a goose again, but the magic plastic pants didn't work.

    Well... not the best thing, I've written...

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