with his family. he said that his daughter's birthday was coming up but he couldn't think of anything good to get her. i suggested that he should go buy her a new phone or something. he agreed and told me it was a good idea. he then asked me what kind of phone i used and i told him it was a samsung. after that, he pulled out like a rusty prison knife thing and threatened to do unimaginable things to me like he did with all his previous cellmates if i didn't give him my phone and wallet. he told me to stop the car and then he just ran off with my stuff. jokes on him. my phone has so much malware in it from visiting shady websites way too often anyway. i hope his daughter had a good birthday, though. she seemed like a good kid from the stories he told me

picked up a hitchhiker the other day when i was on my way back from work. very interesting person. we talked about all sorts of stuff during the two hour drive. he told me about how he just got out of prison a while ago and is looking to make things right
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