Display MoreI *hear* you ... It is fact though , that Mr. KISHIDA (JAPAN PM) did
*not personally* conduct WW2 JAPAN behavior , or N+S.Korea occupation.
Again , there is *not* anything that Mr. KISHIDA can do or say
that changes the *reality* of JAPAN behavior during WW2 Years (and before).
And , I am well *aware* that the KISHIDA *Political Party* was formed
after WW2 by those *sympathetic* to TYRANT TOJO (JAPAN WW2 Military).
But again (*boringly repetitive*) , the *current* situation
for Japan + S.Korea + USA = *Military Defense* Co-operation = JOB #1 (my view).
I understand that he didn't do it personally so he shouldn't be personally apologizing for anything he did but like the germans they apologised for the wrongs of the past that their country did.
Again it's not about changing the past but mere acknowledgement of it.