Have you ever had a shipping phase?

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  • Who? Fictional characters? Idols?

  • In K-pop? No. In fiction? Yes

  • I don’t ever ship idols

  • yes but no? I got into it recently Im not one of those cringey shippers but I do watch ship videos as entertainment. Its fun to see the lengths people will go to push the narrative that two members of a group are in a romantic relationship but its weird at the same time. Sure pairings are cute and all but people take it too far :annoyedk:

  • Not with real people, I only accept friendship ships in KPOP. I used to ship fictional characters a lot tho because they're fictional. It's hella weird to romantically ship real people... :eyes:

  • not really shopping perse. i watched those taekook videos circa 2017 to 2018. i watched but don't ship them. now, neutral.

  • Yes because they look so cute together but yea I got outta that shit quick

  • With real people? No. That's just too much for me.

    But with like fictional characters I had one.

  • yes. 1 month. i wasted my time

  • Till this day I don't understand shipping, is like supporting the members friendship, is about a real relationship, or is it both?


  • Yes, I use to be a hardcore Seulmin shipper 2016-2018. I still think they'll make a cute couple, but I don't care about the ship anymore

  • All the time with Anime and Manga LMAO

    I had one with kpop idols (and its a very popular ship). But I was young so I have to be excused on that.

  • yes when i was first joined into kpop. It happened just early 1-2 year. After that? No..

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