Understanding 'sasaeng' behavior

  • Hi All,

    I work for a website that's trying to get into publishing content/text interviews about various topics from technology and entertainment to psychology. As someone who isn't too familiar with the Kpop scene, I've heard about sasaeng culture, and it's pretty crazy to hear about what some of these people do to get close to their favorite idols eg. plastic surgery, finding out which hotel they're staying at etc.

    I'm looking to interview someone who might have seen themselves turning into a sasaeng but managed to stop themselves before it got a grip on them. What actions were you taking to get closer to your idols, how were you able to take a step back and realise what you were doing wasn't healthy, and how did you overcome it to return to being a 'normal' fan? Also since you went down that path, is there any advice you could give to someone else who might be in the same situation?

    If anyone is interested in being interviewed, please let me know. Everything published will be kept totally anonymous.


  • Please do remind yourself that if you are not a psychologist you will do more harm than good.

    Also, if you claim to be a journalist, the first rule of journalism is to identify yourself and the organisation you work for.

    I will be closing this thread but please feel free to DM me if you have issues with my decision.

  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.

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