王様ランキング Ranking of Kings Anime - on Netflix

  • I just discovered this adorable anime on Netflix and there's two seasons now. I'm late but it's too cute not to share w/ other anime fans. Season 2 has just been released and that's how I found the show on Netflix.

    The story follows the adventures of a little prince named Bojji, who was born deaf and tiny in size, and his friend Kage, a survivor of a wiped-out assassin clan, who understands Bojji’s words despite him being unable to speak.

    It's quite reminiscent of older Studio Ghibili anime from the 80 - 90's in tone and style.

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    Edited once, last by Yinye ().

  • I dunno it feels really high quality but its actually kinda hard for me to sink my teeth into it. (also glowing reviews from my friends and cousin, among other people. its really liked but just its hard for me to get started.)

    Its probably just not my fare.

  • Ok I watched ep 1 thinking it was the first season 1 ep 1 but nope, Netflix is silly to only have season 2! UGH. Now I have to go and find how to watch season 1. I wondered why there was a recap at the beginning but I thought they were just setting up the story lol!!

    Kataphract - everyone has different preferences and some time, some stories hit when they do and others don't. I'm glad your friends enjoyed it. I quite like it and thought it quite different for Jpn to have such a hero little Boji.

  • Ok I watched ep 1 thinking it was the first season 1 ep 1 but nope, Netflix is silly to only have season 2! UGH. Now I have to go and find how to watch season 1. I wondered why there was a recap at the beginning but I thought they were just setting up the story lol!!

    I think this might do it.

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