USA + CAN Shot Down Objects (PRChina) , but What Were They ??? ; 2023.02.13
*** Begin Quote *** ... --> (PRChina) Balloon had a *Signals Intelligence Array* — fancy spy speak for an antenna that can locate communications devices and listen in to them ... But (USA) officials do not yet know if that array was meant to gather calls made on Military Radios or from ordinary Mobile Phones or something else altogether.
*** End Quote ***
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(1) That PRChina is doing this Spy Balloon activity = *amazed* (here , me).
(2) I *DOUBT* that any 'Data' of 'Spy Value' is being 'discovered' by PRChina.
(3) *WONDER* if that XI (PRChina Tyrant Leader) even *knew* of the *extent*
... Of this PRChina Spy Balloon activity ??? ... Is it *possible* that this
is *more* a PRChina *MILITARY ACTIVITY* 'gone wild' if you will ???
USA was trying to *voice phone* PRChina about this , hopefully ???
So , WHY would PRChina do this 'Spy Balloon' activity -->
(1) 'Exercise the Technology' = CAN PRChina do it (Spy Balloon) ...
(2) 'Upset USA Leaders' = *Success* on that , as I see it.
(3) PRChina Leaders = Get to sit around a table , and listen
... to the USA Private Phone Conversations ... And 'verify' that
the USA is an inferior , disgusting , and repulsive nation
of *decadent* BILL CLINTON and MONICA LEWINSKY (clones)
chattering of 'hot rendezvous' plans constantly ??? ...
PRChina Tyrant XI = '(USA) They *are* what we thought they were !!!'
But (again) , the more *interesting* question in all of this
PRChina Spy Balloon situation -->
(1) Is Tyrant Leader XI *strongly in control* of the *PRChina MILITARY* ???
... Or is it more the *other way around* than USA Leaders might suspect ???
(2) The USA *interesting question* for (PRChina) XI -->
... '(XI) You are doing this Spy Balloon behavior , you *approved* of it ...
And you (XI) think this is a 'clever' activity on YOUR Tyrant XI part ???'
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USA Jets down 4 objects in 8 days, unprecedented in peacetime ; 2023.02.13