Netizens are divided over NewJeans taking 8th place on Billboard Global chart
Daebak, NewJeans ranked 8th on Billboard Global chart
They ranked 8th on Billboard Global 200
They ranked 4th in the world excluding US!!!!
This album sold so well, so I think they’ll get paid right awayㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[+68, -27]
1. [+32, -20] We don’t care about Billboard Global 200. The real chart is Billboard Hot 100 or at least Billboard 200
2. [+26, -4] Even if it’s the global chart, it’s great that they’re in the top 10
3. [+24, -14] Has anyone seen NewJeans bragging that they were #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 a few days ago? It is not #1 on Billboard Hot 100, but #1 on Billboard Vietnam Hot 100 chart. Those people are hilarious
4. [+20, -1] The people who are downvoting this are jealousㅋㅋㅋ
5. [+19, -2] Because the song is good
6. [+8, -0] They probably already got paid
7. [+6, -0] There are a lot of people with inferiority complexㅋㅋㅋ They can’t accept the truth, so they will downvote the postㅋㅋ
8. [+2, -0] NewJeans is really scary
9. [+0, -0] I think NewJeans will be at the one top of the 4th generation
Original post (1)
Netizens are divided over NewJeans taking 8th place on Billboard Global chart – Pannkpop