XI (TYRANT PRChina) = *Broken* Social Contract with Citizens ; 2022.12.01

  • archive.today/nTYtU ... nytimes.com/china-covid-protests

    XI (TYRANT PRChina) Broke the Social Contract

    That Helped PRChina Prosper ; 2022.12.01

    *** Begin Quote ***

    (PRChina) Young people could go to karaoke and rock ’n’ roll concerts and worship whichever K-pop stars they fancied. Intellectuals could vent their anger and frustration on PRChina’s vibrant social media. And entrepreneurs were so busy making money that they could not even spell the word “politics.” This social contract, in which the Communist Party would observe certain boundaries in exchange for society observing its own, was instrumental in bringing PRChina from the brink of disaster of the Tiananmen crisis and contributed to economic growth and prosperity. Whether we in the West (USA , Euros , etc) like it or not, opinion surveys during those years showed that young people in PRChina were more supportive of the government’s nationalistic policy agenda than older residents ...

    Mr. XI (TYRANT) broke that social contract (with PRChina Citizens).

    *** End Quote ***

    Observation -->

    Definitely worth a reading (URL Article above) ...

    FAN BINGBING (TAX EVASION , Wealthy Actress) Event means ...

    *NOBODY* is safe from PRISON in PRCHina under XI (TYRANT) ...

    KRIS WU (ex-EXO K-pop = 13 YEARS in PRISON) should have known.


    FAN BINGBING (Actress) ; Info


    KRIS WU (Entertainer) ; Info

    Edited 4 times, last by krell ().

  • like i said to you previously the only thing that matters to most chinese citizens is their standard of living - if that continues it really doesn't matter who is president

    if it doesn't then one is going to have problems

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