Bookish pet peeves that I have

  • Some of these might not be considered "pet peeves", but whatever...

    When the name of the author is bigger than the name of the title of the book, especially when I get confused about what that book is called.

    An example is this book:


    When I saw this book cover for the first time, I thought this book was called "Kold Vraa" (meaning: cold corner) and was written by Jesper Bugge Mich, but actually it is called "Pigen Fra Det Store Hvide Skib" and is written by two authors.

    But then there are also examples like when the title is the main character's first and last name, especially if the author or book isn't that well-known.

    Well... I remember being a bit annoyed by the fact that a huge sticker was on my book. (I thought it was going to be hard to remove until I actually removed it lol)

    Sometimes stickers do annoy me a bit. (Even though I don't always remove the little price tag stickers on books.)

    I recently got a bit annoyed by when I was reading a book and the synopsis pretty much told me what happens in like the middle of the book.

    I want to be surprised by what happens in it, I don't want half of the plot spoiled.

    I don't mind it that much when the book has the movie adaptation's poster as the cover.

    But I completely understand some people, who do.

    Like, you end up comparing the book and the movie adaptation.

    And well... I know that I wouldn't want to have an edition of The Giver that has the movie adaptation as the book cover because that movie is just... nope... (I haven't watched that movie though, but did they seriously have to make Jonas 18 years old instead of 12?)

    Sometimes stuff like seeing critical praises by newspapers, magazines, authors and stuff praising a book on the cover annoys me a bit. (and on the back, when I want to read the freaking synopsis)

    And seeing Vogue saying "Intoxicating as a sake mojito" on the cover of Sayaka Murata's "Convenience Store Woman", feels kind of weird for me to read because it seemed like Vogue was thinking "the author is Japanese, so I'll mention sake mojito" (might not be a bad thing though)

    And then there is also that book, I won, which has critical praises by an author, who I dislike and don't want to read books by, on the cover.

    Well... I guess a pro about having an author's critical praise in a book, it might be like "Oh, my favourite author likes this book, then I might like this one too"

    When I find a book in the bookstore that I want to buy, but it has a trashy book cover.

    But I also used to own an edition of "Pride and Prejudice" that has Elizabeth Bennet's back of her head, and I dislike that cover lol

    And when I'm at a bookstore, wanting to buy a certain book, but then finding out that they don't have that book.

    One time, I was in a bookstore and saw Jane Austen's "Persuasion" there and wondered whether or not I should buy it, but then I decided not to. One day when I decided to buy that book, I found out that they didn't have that book anymore. (perhaps because of the Netflix adaptation)

    When someone dog-ears the pages of a library book.

    I don't mind it if someone does it to a book that they own themselves, but it is a book that they don't own, then I find that a bit annoying.

    Sometimes I have had this problem, when I'm at a library and suddenly having the thought of renting one book, but then I end up forgetting the author's last name, which makes it more difficult to find it.

    Like if I suddenly have this thought that is like "Oh, I want to read that book called 'The Princess of Boats and Feathers", which is about a princess who has a boat and can shapeshift into a swan, and the book has a princess, a boat and some feathers on the cover. But what was that author's last name. Did it start with the letter H or N?" (that was a made-up example though, even though I probably would read that one lol)

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