HAN SEO HEE , YANG HYUN SUK (YGe Founder) <-- Where S.K COURT Activity Now Stands ; 2020.12.24

  • PROSECUTION , After (concluding) INVESTIGATION of 'Public Interest' Reporter (HAN SEO HEE) Is expected to summon (COURT statements by) YANG HYUN SUK (YGe Agency Founder) ; 2020.12.24


    *** Begin Translation , (Best that I can do it , Seems Okay Enough) ***

    According to law enforcement officials on the 24th, the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office of Violent Crimes (Director Prosecutor WON JI AE) completed the investigation of HAN SEO HEE on the 12th of last month (2020.11.12). In the first investigation on June 23 (2020.06.23), HAN SEO HEE was investigated for violating the Narcotics Control Act (ILLEGAL DRUGS) related to B.I (ex-iKON). In the three subsequent investigations (*perhaps* involving COURT statements by HAN SEO HEE and Others), it is said that an investigation involving YANG HYUN SUK (YGe Agency Founder) was conducted. Both representatives (I am *guessing* both YANG HYUN SUK and KIM MO = both YGe Agency associated) are *accused* of violating the 'Act on Aggravated Punishment' for certain crimes (threatening retaliation) and as a teacher to evade criminal findings (by POLICE) ... (So , MAYBE *interfering* with an *active* POLICE INVESTIGATION by *maybe* intimidating HAN SEO HEE into *changing* her original statements to POLICE INVESTIGATORS about B.I ??? ... And even suggesting that YGe Agency would PAY to send HAN SEO HEE to the USA to LIVE for awhile. THUS making HAN SEO HEE *not* available to POLICE INVESTIGATORS in their B.I Investigation related activities ???).


    It is known that the Prosecution (WON JI AE) is conducting a summons investigation of the people involved based on the investigation (COURT statements) of HAN SEO HEE. Investigation targets include former YGe Agency employee KIM MO, who arranged a *meeting* between YANG HYUN SUK and HAN SEO HEE, (also present) LEE MO, the former representative of HAN SEO HEE's Agency, and a LAWYER appointed by YGe Agency. (Note: Fairly sure this MEETING with ALL these people mentioned (?), took place in the YGe Agency HQ Building. HAN SEO HEE was *not* ever an Employee or Idol Trainee of YGe Agency) ... B.I is reported to have been investigated (gave COURT statements) by going to the Prosecution after HAN SEO HEE's first investigation (appearance for COURT statements) in July of 2020.

    *** End Translation ***

    So , it *appears* that YANG HYUN SUK will have his *SPEAKS LAST CHANCE* (others involved are already done) to make COURT STATEMENTS as to his *possible* Criminal Activities ... And that should take place say in February 2021 ??? ... And then , the Prosecutor (WON JI AE) will apparently have to decide:
    (1) Do we have a CRIMINAL CASE that we want to BRING IT against YANG HYUN SUK.
    (2) If so , does YANG HYUN SUK want to do some kind of 'agreement' with Prosecutors , as to WHAT that he is guilty of it , and *importantly* what the PUNISHMENT might be (JAIL TIME ???).
    (3) IF that YANG HYUN SUK is NOT willing to agree to much of anything (wrong doing and punishment), WILL there be a TRY for a FULL COURT TRIAL on all of it (Criminal Charges) against YANG HYUN SUK ???

    Which , a FULL COURT TRIAL would likely involve *again* (Public ???) COURT TESTIMONY for HAN SEO HEE and the REST (B.I , etc) of those involved ... So , guessing that the Prosecutor decisions , with all the Court Testimony Investigation finished , are made by sometime during April 2021 ??? ... And that is all just *guessing* on my part, the dates.

    Edited 2 times, last by krell ().

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