The Lost Tomb is a 2015 Chinese streaming television series based on the internet novel Daomu Biji. The series was originally intended to have 8 seasons filmed over a period of 8 years but only three seasons were produced as of 2020. The first season premiered on iQiyi on 12 June 2015.
50 years ago, a group of Changsha grave robbers dug out manuscripts of the location of treasures from Warring states, but an encounter with an undead rendered almost the whole group dead. In the present, the young grandchild of the sole survivor, Wu Xie, discovers a secret within his grandfather's notes. Together, with his third uncle Wu Sansheng, and a few other experienced tomb robbers, to search for the treasure. But what no one expected was to find the intriguing mysteries that accompanied their tomb robbing adventure - just who was the owner of that tomb? Will they be able to find the real coffin? And just where will these puzzles lead the group?
The Lost Tomb is the most watched web drama of 2015 with over 2.8 billion views.
Despite its popularity, the series was criticized for its draggy story-line and poorly done special effects. Fans of the novel also commented that the plot and characters deviated too much from the original novel.
2014 | 2015 iQiyi All-Star Carnival | Most Anticipated Web Drama | The Lost Tomb | Won |
2015 | 2016 iQiyi All-Star Carnival | Popular Actor of the Year | Yang Yang |
Won |
Drama of the Year | The Lost Tomb | Won | ||
6th Macau International Television Festival |
Outstanding Web Drama | Won | ||
7th China TV Drama Awards |
Best Web Series | Won |