I. Introduction
Little House in the Forest is a 2018 South Korean reality show directed by Na Young Seok. The show’s concept revolves around the two actors living off the grid for 2 days and 3 nights. The house in the forest is self-sufficient, with no access to public electricity, gas, or heat. The house is powered with solar panels and contained only an icebox instead of a refrigerator. The point is to lead a self-sufficient and minimalist lifestyle.
Park Shin Hye and So Ji Sub are challenged to complete missions and live a minimalist lifestyle without modern amenities in a small self-sufficient house deep in the forest on Jeju Island. The house has no gas, heat or electricity. It is powered by solar panels and contains only an icebox instead of a refrigerator. The stars had to chop their own firewood, make a fire, cook all their own meals using rudimentary materials, and spend their time without using their phones. What will they get out of slowing down their hectic lives and going back to the basics for a few days?