In the late 16th century, the kingdom of Joseon is thrown into chaos by the threat of a Japanese invasion. Lee Mong-hak, an illegitimate offspring from a cadet family of the ruling dynasty, and legendary blind swordsman Hwang Jeong-hak were once allies who dreamed of stamping out the Japanese invasion, social inequality and corruption, and creating a better world. Persecuted by the court, Lee forms a rebel army in hopes of overthrowing the inept king and taking the throne himself. Lee is willing to kill recklessly and betray former comrades to forge his bloody path to the palace. Kyeon-ja is the bastard child of a family killed by Mong-hak. Hwang Jeong-hak saves him from an injury caused by Mong-hak. Together the two search for Mong-hak in order to confront and kill him.
After Mong-hak's Great Alliance rebel army defeat a large government military force, Hwang Jeong-hak confronts him alone. After a lengthy battle, Mong-hak's skill proves too much and the blind swordsman falls. Kyeon-ja, finding Jeong-hak dead, decides to head to Seoul the capital of Joseon and final destination of Mong-hak. While, Mong-hak, despite finding out that Japanese forces are approaching and will slaughter and pillage every villagers and settlements they encounter, orders the Great Alliance army to press on towards to Seoul, abandoning the commoners who gathered to rebel camp seeking protection from invading forces. The rebels take Seoul, but are confused and frustrated as the king has already abandoned the capital and the palace lies forlorn. Kyeon-ja, who has arrived at the palace before the rebels came, confronts Mong-hak as he approaches the throne pavilion. A few moments later the Japanese army arrives and begins massacring the rebel army with their arquebuses. Kyeon-ja succeeds in killing Mong-hak then dies at the hands of the Japanese army.