1TYM - 1TYM For Your Megahits

  • I. Introduction

    1TYM For Your Megahits is a Music Video - Video CD album by YG Entertainment's 1TYM, it comprises of all of their music videos as of the time of release and many of their hit singles. It was only released in Taiwan via EMI Taiwan, who promoted their music in Taiwan and Hong Kong.

    II. Tracklisting

    III. CD Music Tracks

    1. Nasty
    2. 어머니
    3. 1TYM
    4. Good Love
    5. Make It Last
    6. Bus
    7. My Life
    8. Hello!?
    9. Falling In Love
    10. 뭘 위한 세상인가
    11. 탈출
    12. 우와!
    13. Heaven
    14. 나를 기다려

    IIII. Music Videos

    1. Nasty MV
    2. 어머니 MV
    3. 1TYM MV
    4. Good Love MV
