During his first day as an insurance investigator, Jeon Joon-oh, receives a phone call from a lady enquiring if a life insurance policy could be collected if someone commits suicide. A few days later Joon-oh is asked to personally come to the home of an insurance policy holder.
When Joon-oh arrives at their home he is greeted by a grim man. They talk for a little while, before the father asks the insurance agent to go into their son's room and have a talk with him. When the insurance agent opens the son's door he finds the boy hanging from a noose, dead from an apparent suicide.
The father then shows up at Joon-oh's office and asks for the money pertaining to his son's life insurance policy. Joon-oh is suspicious of the man and tells him he has to wait until the coroner's report comes in. The man becomes furious and then leaves. The father returns the next day and the next day and the next day. Finally Joon-oh's boss decides to pay the man his son's life insurance policy. Joon-oh's life doesn't return to normal and in fact descends further downward because of a stalker that may well be the insurance policy holder that they just paid off.