You know what, after seeing this, I had enough. I saw RED.
Even if the girls win this lawsuit and they very likely will; I will never forgive nor forget what hybe made this sweet, talented, adorable, innocent, young girls go through. The girls but also countless of fans around the world. The emotional toll, the trauma, the acute anxiety, the tears...
It's been nearly a year now!
To think that Hybe is waging a war on literal teenagers, trying to bury all possible future for them in the industry, like they were fighting Satan himsel is truly a shocking sight to behold!
I know it made them stronger, more beautiful, more united than ever. But that sh*t keep on going on and on and on. This has to STOP!
All along, I will be enjoying njzs music, but I will not fully rest in peace until full justice will preveal for them. Until full compensation is given to them for these endless months of legal, emotional and media harrassement.
My rage isn't boiling anymore. It's beyond cold. It transcends any words.
And in the end, that is all hybe will truly achiev with this payola/media play injunction stunt.
They think they can use this to return public opinion with media play and astoturfing, to influence the final judgement. Yes, it's probably their best shot at it since just like with MHJ, i guess they must have very little if not ZERO foundation in their legal case against njz. Why will they be trying so hard otherwise if njz's legal case was actually weak??
From having 9 lawyers with half of them being judges etc... to another mass media compain against njz demeaning their complaints.
Well you know what? Just like their blitzgrieg media war against mhj was useless, so will be this injunction. An injunction win hybe tries so desperatly to masquerade as a definitive legal win for their side in the media.
Watch the kmedias go radio silent when njz will actually get to really win!
You know what? this current situation will only fuel more violent resentement against them and their groups and will hopefully lead to a FULL and resolute boycott of ALL hybe products!
Hybe truly deserves the worst. Hybe deserves to be boycotted and cancelled forever.
But it will also make bunnies more galvanized and more intense in their support of njz.
This, AGAIN, will backfire at these monsters. Like everything did since the start of this war.
Mark my words.
And I hope all the freaks wishing hill to njz will get all their evil wishes falling back at them. Tenthfold.
I will never forget what hybe did to this girls, to us. NEVER.
Depriving us of the best music kpop has known in ages is one thing. Hurting these little girls just for the pride of that nasty evil pig is another matter altogether. It's unforgivable!
Ps: these will be my last words on this injunction matter.