Posts by Radish-Farmer

    Lots of dancers are queer so this isn't really the first time or any kind of achievement

    Mamamoo started the whole thing in 2016 or even before. This isn't really about who performed with queer dancers, because even these dancers on their personal Insta account said that no other Idol did what Solar did now. Sure, other Idols performed with them, but only used them as backup dancers. Solar did a full-on vogue choreo with them, wrote a whole song for them, and performed with them live on national tv.

    Mamamoo and the members doing this for 10 years now. Before them, no one even dared to mention the community, let alone perform with them. So it's not really about whose queer, because with other artists, they're just dancers, with Solar, they can show their true self. That's the difference. Many people bring up Chungha or Somi, but even Chungha said on her radio show yesterday that what Solar did is another level.