Posts by ochia03

    Just wondering if anyone else feels this, or can relate. Sometimes it helps get through the feels when you know other people experience the same thing. I go through periods of time where I get really into kpop, and watch the content, stage clips, look at their bubble posts, etc. But it always starts this downward spiral where I start hating my boring life, feeling ugly, feeling like I'm not worth anything, etc. Then I have to take a break and focus on making myself feel better again. But I still want to enjoy kpop, so I eventually go back and the cycle continues. I'm a grown a$$ woman feeling this way, I'm not a teen. It's too 'late' for me to go be a star, so I'm not looking for those types of encouragement... I just want to know if anyone relates and how they cope with it, etc. I love kpop, but it's a little damaging to mental health obviously lol