Posts by hermencinastarte

    I used to watch movies that had good IMDB ratings. It was a way to know if the movie was good or not. I stopped doing that after I found a movie with a rating of 7.5 ( which is really good ), and the movie was terrible. They spent the first hour of the movie talking in the car, and they just had dinner in the second half of the movie. I couldn't believe that a bad movie like that could get a high rating. Now I just watch the movies I find in the movie gallery of my IPTV provider. It's the top iptv service, and they have everything.

    Pretty good photography. However, I think the poses and the photo zone are boring and mediocre. In fact, it could have been done much better, more creatively, and more beautifully. It feels like the photographer is new to photography. In fact, I am a self-taught photographer. Still, I take pictures much better and more interesting, and I don’t need millions for decorations and a photo zone for this. Of course, plays a big role in my training. This is the site where I learned many photography tricks and applied them constantly in my work. So I think that talent is there or it is not.

    It would be interesting to see your anime drawings. I also love drawing anime characters. This is my hobby, and I devote almost all my free time to it. Most of all, I like to draw Funko figures. In addition, I also collect these figures. The site is simply a collector's paradise. As it turned out, I'm a big fan of anime and interested in everything connected with it. Now I'm thinking of starting collecting anime cards as well. This is something new for me but no less interesting. Is anyone else here collecting anime figurines or cards? Just drawing is boring enough.

    I would not call the clip "Attention" a work of art. The video is good, but the song is just amazing. Honestly, the clip is standard, like most singers. Girls, cars, clubs, and stuff. Standard set. In my opinion, this is nothing special, it's even boring. To tell the truth, the marketing video for my company was much more interesting. I had this video made by Video Marketing Agency. I'm really happy with their work. Thanks to this video, we attracted many new customers and partners.

    Likes on YouTube lost their meaning the moment they removed the dislike counter. You can still dislike videos, but no one can see that. Views were always the most important thing on YouTube. Views get you the most money and are worth investing in. The easiest way to do it is by buying the views on

    You won't have to buy views all the time. That makes no sense, but you can buy enough to get you going. Once people start noticing your videos, you will get the views naturally.