Posts by biene
Looks like I need to up my EXO streaming game.
Wait I kind of remember this craze... wow LOL
hi i love jiu and dami and dreamcatcher
Holy guacamole that's some next level insanity... honestly so cruel to subject animals to inane beauty standards.
People log onto Twitter and their brains automatically turn off...
wait im actually SO excited
they will be lip syncing their way through most of their performances and can't dance to save their life
but some people be hyping them up like they are 200% better than kpop artists when its just not true
kpop artists>>> your western faves
This reminds me of girlies posting One Direction vs Kpop videos back in 2016 lmao...
Like come on we're better than this. Posts like this are what keep people away from kpop.
letting you know about my secret real identity!! I love oppar!!!
I guess I can support you
She's so pretty
even when she fails at limbo
wot is going on here
I like my coffee by not having it in the first place!
(I don’t like coffee)
Yay Soraka
I love her Dawnbringer skin, it's so pretty
Lmao dw, when I first started, I also got placed in bronze for my promos back in like season 3-4
Ooo nice, I know a lot of ppl joined the game bc of Arcane. Have u tried Renata Glasc? I think she's pretty fun
I feel that
I always mess up her ult & her combos beside the basic E-Q one
I wish I had the Dawnbringer skin! I’m happy with my Cafe Cuties skin though… I love pink LOL.
Arcane was part of the reason I started playing, it kind of nudged the interest I already had. I haven’t tried Renata Glasc yet, I may but her next!
Qiyana is so pretty and I love her personality and her skins but she’s SO hard. I’m so sad…