How would you describe Golden Child to new fans who are interested in you? :)
Posts by Elliora
What is your favourite song to perform on stage?
What's your skin routines? Your skin is so amazing!
Has there been any funny moments in the dorm that you would like to share?
Has any member tried learning, or playing new instruments lately? :)
What is your message to the future Golden Child and Goldenness?
Multiple Questions here!
1) Please give a compliment to the member on your right!
2) The Burn It choreography looks extremely hard! How difficult is it compared to your other songs like ONE for example?
3) What kind of concept are Golden Child interested in doing in the future?
4) For Daeyeol - What is it like being the leader of 9? Is it difficult to keep them under control? You're doing great!
5) For Jangjun - How are your sea monkeys doing?
6) Is there a certain hair colour you guys want to try out?
7) If you saw your debut selves right now, what is one thing you would say to them?
8 ) Would DamDaDi Golcha survive the zombie apocalypse?
9) Tag and Jangjun - Where do you guys get inspiration for your lyrics?
10) What difficulties do you as a group face while preparing for an album and how do you overcome it? This comeback was absolutely amazing, and you should be so proud!
British goldenness love you!
That's all! Thank you AllKPop :)
What concept do you think represents Golden Child the most?
What are your favourite songs on the album, and why?