Hypocrite A. Their favs' antis/haters: "IDK why people hate them?! Like, they've never killed your puppy, grandma, or stepped on a bug. They don't deserve and in this essay, I will..." Them on other fans favs: "They suck. Why do they have this CF/achievement/award/etc when their music is shit? And in this essay, I will nitpick every little thing they do..." Hypocrite B. Them: Why do people stan for charts/success/awards. Music comes first. My favs music is more important than numbers. Stan superior music. Also them: First to post chart updates/stats/achievements/awards/etc. Post past and future charts/sales/achievements/awards to demonstrate how superior their favs were. Hypocrite C. Them when it concerns their favs visuals: "Beauty is subjective. Many fans find X idol beautiful/handsome. Various experts say X is the most beautiful/handsome. They won a lot of polls because many find X more attractive, it's not about popularity. Just because they did a little bit of surgery doesn't make them any less beautiful!" Them when it concerns none of their favs: "I don't know why so and so is deemed attractive? They're an ugly swine. No amount of plastic surgery could fix that! I will also point out how not natural-looking they are thanks to plastic surgery. The only way they won a poll is because of their popularity. There is no way anyone would think differently than my subjective standards of beauty." Hypocrite D. Them on their favs music: "They are objectively the best of the best. And they are superior to all their peers and no one else is worthy of such praise." Them when others don't stan/like their favs music: "My favs are the only ones that have decent/amazing music and if you think otherwise, you're a tasteless hag. You stan x, who in my subjective opinion releases shitty music." Hypocrite E. Peacemaker A on fandoms they don't like: "I just think blank fandom needs to stop being bullies/arrogant about blank subject. Please be the bigger person. Stop being toxic" Also Peacemaker A with fandoms they do like: ______________________________________________________________________________________ "oh, was I supposed to say something? I like the drama, do please continue." Hypocrite F. Them: "I'm innocent. I've never shaded anyone, not even my own shadow." Also them: "And in this essay, I will find the 100th way to be sly/shady/slick about this group I've made known I don't like. If fans find fault with my not-so-but-very-obvious-shade of their favs, the shoe must fit. *kekekeke*" Hypocrite G. Them: "I only focus on my favs. No others are worthy of my attention." Also them: "I will exclusively make it my point of duty to follow everything about this X group that I don't stan. Track their sales? Yes. Track their music releases? Yes. Track stan twitter drama about them? Hell yeah" ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... The only one I fell under maybe two years ago before I really decided to block them out is Hypocrite D. Now I have a select tunnel vision of only listening to everyone in my signature and ignoring the rest. What about you guys?