Have you ever gotten into a Trading Card Game like Pokemon or Yugioh or Magic?

  • I was discussing this with FeLiNa

    and just wondering whether people here played it or are still playing it?

    I myself played all three back in high school/early university

  • at school we collected yugioh cards and flicked them the farest whoever went the farrer won the card.

    they ended up getting banned cause it was becoming a huge distraction, good times

    I still collect yugioh cards on an app if that counts

    that's a very unique way to play yugioh lol

    interesting but you no longer played it or flick it right?

  • Duel links, but i mean a physical collection in 2019 i bought one for like 200$ it just sits in some cupboard somewhere...

    idek if it's still around tbh sometimes i move around and lose stuff

    I've heard of duel links...it's like a really popular app where you can play yugioh

    hmmm maybe you should find it since it may have appreciated in value

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