TexASS Hole (State) <-- Patriot Dreams at D.C. Capitol Riot (2021.01.06) ??? ; 2021.05.26

  • www.houstonchronicle.com/politics/Texans-storming-Capitol-insurrection

    'You can't stop us' = (USA Gov. Police) FBI timeline depicts

    roles Texans played in D.C. Capitol Riot siege ; 2021.05.26

    *** Begin Quote ***

    Meanwhile, rioters had made their way into the (USA Capitol Building) Senate (office area) ... Among them was Larry Rendall Brock, Jr. , (USA Air Force Academy Graduate , Colonel Rank , Retired) ... a decorated Air Force veteran from Grapevine (TexASS State) seen in pictures from the day , walking the Senate floor wearing body armor and a helmet and carrying zip ties ... He later told (News Media) 'The New Yorker' he wore the tactical gear for fear he would be "stabbed or hurt" by (LOL) *Black Lives Matter* protesters , or Antifa (Radical Group). He (Brock) claimed he found the zip-ties (handcuffs) on the ground and regretted picking them up.

    *** End Quote ***

    Wonder what USA Sen. TX Ted *Cancun Goon* Cruz thinks about it all ???

    Edited 5 times, last by krell ().

  • krell

    Changed the title of the thread from “TexASS Hole (State) <-- Patriot Dreams (USA) ??? ; 2021.05.26” to “TexASS Hole (State) <-- Patriot Dreams at D.C. Capitol Riot (2021.01.06) ??? ; 2021.05.26”.

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