Hey - just a suggestion. It would be great if there were approved editors or something on the Lexicon.
I know I’m a bit of a perfectionist and when I go back to tweak because of a typo or formatting error, I may end up doing this multiple times on a lexicon that has to be approved each time when it’s something pretty minor that really only bugs me. This gets particularly painful when I’ve just finished the update then realize there’s something I forgot to add while I was in there but I can’t go in and add it until someone approves it, which could be a few hours later. So now one of the mods has to update it twice when I probably could have made those tweaks in a five minute span.
I feel bad wasting their time for a paragraph break or a missing space (not bad enough to not fix it obviously and let it go but.. :-D)
I understand you don’t want it to be a free for all but it’s perhaps as simple as setting some criteria - like a person makes 30 good, thorough Lexicons and now can have the ability to make tweaks on an existing Lexicon without running through the approval process every time. (Obviously new ones would still need approvals and edits from people who aren’t the original author..)
Just a thought..