Well... I came across a random pin that had "Fun philosophical questions for kids" (I think that adults can answer those questions too)
Well... I think I have heard some people saying that boredom is healthy.
So, if boredom is healthy, then it might be a good thing.
Even though some people don't like being bored.
And I dislike the feeling of indecisiveness where I have no idea whether I should go read a book or draw or something. (I kinda have a "boredom box" for if I feel like doing something, but not knowing what to do)
I have been told that when I was younger, I was never bored. (maybe I have taken this too literally)
But maybe because I used to do a lot of creative stuff when I was younger.
I think I was maybe more creative when I was younger, but back then I maybe wasn't that much on the computer or stuff.
I have heard that nowadays, when people are bored, they just turn on the phone or computer and maybe scroll on social media.
I feel like I'm guilty of doing that too.
And when people are on busses and stuff, or maybe in the waiting room, they take the phone out of their pocket.
I sometimes don't do that. One reason is because I don't want some people to be like "young people nowadays on their phones" when they see me.
If I'm on a bus or something, I'll just look out from the window.
And if I'm in a waiting room, I most of the times read a magazine if there is one. (and I think that was one way for me to feel less nervous if I was at the dentist or doctor)
And sometimes in those kinds of places, I'm just deep in my thoughts.