[instiz] Which of HYBE Labels is best at doing their work?

  • AVvXsEgWZQbwm8O_awu0bCI0hxvYWur0ghqL7Xg2fvmjGWfimihSTiOo2y5ZdXHX6IZ3ywwaiItBho4VZSHpE6QXjsjb_OWt3OLd7KQ5fBikC7tohIQYJwwDPx8OO0IngPMcCncf3MZUHZPS_kwH40IpEeT_S3EG1VA5dXK_YCvbyYGXXfBW4DYQPxa9nHwwfqo=s16000
    Isn't it ADOR?

    original post: here

    1. Isn't it Bighit?
    > Definitely not

    2. Maybe?

    3. Someone who fangirls on all of they labels should know this best, is there anyone like that?

    4. I don't know for other places, but first of all, it's not Bighit

    5. It's definitely not Belift lab

    6. I fangirl on Seventeen and personally, they've been doing a good job lately

    7. I'm fangirling on 2 of the labels and ADOR is the better one, both have shortcomings, but ADOR's artistic sense is better

    8. Pledis freaking sucks

    9. Source is definitely not it..

    10. Source and ADOR?

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