Lee Soo Man: The King of K-Pop

  • It was embezzlement and bribery iirc. I doubt SM's shareholders (which might have included institutional investors like pension funds) would think it was fine for Lee Soo Man to steal from them.

    I was under the impression that he was trying to inflate the value of his own stock price by purchasing his own stocks using a different company to give SM more capital which is why I wrote that (I have no idea where I manufactured that idea in my head). I didn't realise it was embezzlement which is a lot worse than that.


    t-αrα | kαrα | wσnhσ | mírαє | dríppín | ívє | crαvítч | thє вσчz | вαє173 | trєndz | ítzч | чσunítє | wєí | nínє.í | shínєє | dkz

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