Did the original Smart Screens come from Mezo America 900 years ago????

  • Can you please study these briefly and tell me these old world mirrors weren't being programmed and used like smart tablets and phones.





    A second obsidian mirror, held by the British Museum in London, presents us with yet more intrigue. While the British Museum’s mirror has long been assumed to have originated in Mexico, it is more famously associated with a man named John Dee. Dee was a 16th century astrologer and adviser to Queen Elizabeth I. It is alleged that Dee used his Aztec mirror to peer through the veil into the spirit world beyond.

    Yet even a court magician’s magic mirror can give up its secrets to scientific analyses. In a recent conference presentation, Yaroslav Kuzmin reported the results of an X-ray fluorescence spectrometer analysis carried out on Dee’s mirror. In this case, the object’s Mexican origin was confirmed with the trace elemental composition matching an obsidian source found at the site of Pachuca in central Mexico. Elizabeth Healey with John Dee's obsidian Mirror

    Photo of archaeologist Elizabeth Healey with John Dee's obsidian Mirror. YAROSLAV KUZMIN

    How this mirror came into Dee’s possession, however, is still not fully understood. Kuzmin notes that Dee was well connected with political and intellectual leaders, and in particular that “he was acquainted with sir William Pickering, the British ambassador to the court of Emperor Charles V.” Thus, setting aside how the mirror made it from Mexico to Europe, it may have come to Dee via the ambassador; but, Kuzmin adds that “we cannot exclude the fact that British pirates intercepted a Spanish caravan of ships with gold and jewels from Mexico.”

    While Dee’s interest in the esoteric powers of this obsidian mirror would have undoubtedly been stoked by the object’s foreign origin, we know that the Aztec themselves also placed great ritual importance on these objects. Obsidian mirrors were closely associated with the deity Tezcatlipoca, whose name translates as “Smoking Mirror.” In depictions of the deity, one of his feet is typically replaced with an image of a circular obsidian mirror, not dissimilar from the mirror in the British Museum’s collection. prehispanic america, high culture regions, mexico, mesoamerica: art objects, religion: Codex Borgia (Aztec/Mixtec, Puabla/Cholula region) pictorial manuscript (augural calendar 'Tonalamatl) of eraly 16th cent.. Plate 17 -  God 'Yayauhqui Tezcatlipoca

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    The scientific analyses of both mirrors provide precise insight into where the raw materials originated. Such analyses are vital to fill in the gaps left behind by the documentary record. Yet, ultimately it is only with the documentary record that we can come to some understanding of what these objects meant to the people who held them in their own hands. Shadow filled obsidian reflections can beguile all of our minds, but careful comparisons between humanistic and scientific sources of information will always reveal a clearer picture.


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