SAUDI ARABIA led Airstrikes in Yemen have been called war crimes.
Many relied on (USA Air Force = Military) U.S. support ; 2022.06.04
A joint (News) Washington Post analysis reveals for the first time
that the United States supported the majority of Air Force Squadrons
involved in the SAUDI ARABIA led coalition's years-old
(winged) Air (attack) campaign (against YEMEN , of MURDER ???).
(Note: Scroll Down to find Article Beginning Text Content)
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(Begins with USA Military quote in testimony to USA Congress) --> ...
"We (USA Air Force , Military) do have a database that does have that information and we have the ability to see that," he said in response to a question from Sen. Elizabeth Warren (USA Senator , MA) asking if USA Military Personnel based at the SAUDI-coalition headquarters readily had access to "a database that detailed every airstrike: warplane, target, munitions used and a brief description of the attack." ... The database's existence suggests some (USA) American officials had more knowledge of which weapons were used and which (Air Attack) Squadrons participated in airstrikes leading to civilian harm than the public and members of (USA Elected Officials) Congress had been told they had. The USA Air Force declined a Freedom of Information Act request by (this Article's Authors) 'The Post' to access the database, claiming it (USA Air Force) did not have the records.
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Observation --> Make of it what YOU will.