Mother is a Japanese television drama that aired on Nippon TV between 14 April and 23 June 2010, starring Yasuko Matsuyuki.
Suzuhara Nao (Yasuko Matsuyuki), an expert observer of migratory birds, becomes a substitute teacher at an elementary school. She's in charge of of first-year students and doesn't have much passion for her job. One of her young students named Reina becomes attached to her new teacher.
Nao knows about bruises on Reina and realizes that she is the victim of child abuse. At first Nao doesn't say anything, but Nao notices more bruises with each passing day and Reina's absences from school become more frequent. Nao's maternal instincts kicks in and she decides to take care of Reina. Nao & Reina then take a train from their native Hokkaido to Tokyo ...
01 | 04/14/2010 | 11.8% |
02 | 04/21/2010 | 12.0% |
03 | 04/28/2010 | 12.8% |
04 | 05/05/2010 | 10.0% |
05 | 05/12/2010 | 11.9% |
06 | 05/19/2010 | 13.9% |
07 | 05/26/2010 | 12.4% |
08 | 06/02/2010 | 14.0% |
09 | 06/09/2010 | 12.2% |
10 | 06/16/2010 | 14.8% |
11 | 06/23/2010 | 16.3% |
- 4th Tokyo Drama Awards: Best Drama
- 4th Tokyo Drama Awards: Best Actress - Yasuko Matsuyuki
- 4th Tokyo Drama Awards: Best Supporting Actress - Machiko Ono
- 4th Tokyo Drama Awards: Best Screenplay - Yuji Sakamoto
- 4th Tokyo Drama Awards: Special Award - Mana Ashida
- 65th Television Drama Academy Awards: Best Drama
- 65th Television Drama Academy Awards: Best Actress - Yasuko Matsuyuki
- 65th Television Drama Academy Awards: Best Supporting Actress - Yuko Tanaka
- 65th Television Drama Academy Awards: Best Newcomer - Mana Ashida
- 65th Television Drama Academy Awards: Best Screenwriter - Yuji Sakamoto
- 65th Television Drama Academy Awards: Best Director - Nobuo Mizuta
- 14th Nikkan Sports Drama Grand Prix (Spring 2010): Best Actress - Yasuko Matsuyuki
- 14th Nikkan Sports Drama Grand Prix (Spring 2010): Best Supporting Actress - Mana Ashida