The Family Game also known as Kazoku Game, is a Japanese television drama based on the award-winning novel of the same name by Yohei Honma, as well as an adaptation of its filmed version. The drama is directed by Yuichi Sato and Kazuyuki Iwata and was broadcast on Fuji TV. It aired from April 17 until June 19, 2013.
Kazushige Numata (Itsuji Itao) and his wife Kayoko (Honami Suzuki) have two sons. The first son, Shinichi (Ryunosuke Kamiki), studies well, but the second son, Shigeyuki (Seishuu Uragami), does not. Kazushige and Kayoko are worried about Shigeyuki, who might even fail to enter high school. To make matters worse, Shigeyuki stays at home and doesn't go to school.
Kazushige and his wife Kayoko find an advertisement for a private tutor on the internet. They contact and then meet Yoshimoto (Sho Sakurai), who becomes Shigeyuki's tutor. During their meeting, both parties lay out one condition to work with each other. The father stipulates that Shigeyuki must go back to school within a week or Yoshimoto will be fired. Meanwhile, Yoshimoto stipulates that the parents must not interfere with his work. Yoshimoto's extraordinary teaching methods then influence not only Shigeyuki, but also his entire family.
1 | April 17, 2013 | 12.0% |
2 | April 24, 2013 | 13.7% |
3 | May 1, 2013 | 11.1% |
4 | May 8, 2013 | 12.2% |
5 | May 15, 2013 | 12.4% |
6 | May 22, 2013 | 12.9% |
7 | May 29, 2013 | 13.6% |
8 | June 5, 2013 | 12.6% |
9 | June 12, 2013 | 12.4% |
10 | June 19, 2013 | 16.7% |
2013 | 17th Nikkan Sports Drama Grand Prix (Spring)[6] | Best Drama | The Family Game | Won |
Best Actor | Sho Sakurai | Won | ||
Best Supporting Actor | Ryunosuke Kamiki | Won | ||
Best Supporting Actress | Honami Suzuki | Won | ||
77th Television Drama Academy Awards[7] | Best Drama | The Family Game | Won | |
Best Actor | Sho Sakurai | Won | ||
Best Supporting Actor | Ryunosuke Kamiki | Won | ||
Best Supporting Actor | Seishuu Uragami | Nominated | ||
Best Supporting Actress | Honami Suzuki | Nominated | ||
Best Screenwriter | Muto Shogo | Won | ||
Best Director | Yuichi Sato | Won | ||
Best Theme song | Endless Game by Arashi | Won | ||
2014 | 23rd TV LIFE Annual Drama Awards[8] | Best Drama | The Family Game | Won |
Best Lead Actor | Sakurai Sho | Won | ||
Best Supporting Actor | Ryunosuke Kamiki | Won | ||
Best Supporting Actress | Honami Suzuki | Won | ||
Best Theme Song | Endless Game by Arashi | Won |