Stage Name: IF
Birth Name: Kang Sechan
Group: N.CUS
Position: Vocalist, Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer
Birthday: December 16th, 1999
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Blood Type: B
II. IF Facts
– If was born in Gyeonggi-do.
– One word to describe If is ‘pretty.’
– If enjoys eye-shopping for accessories and clothes, bowling, meditating, and reading sentimental novels.
– He is both chic and cute!
– If is very athletic.
– Seungyoon from WINNER is who If admires because of how refined his facial expressions and gestures are on-stage.
– He enjoys all types of music.
– In order to debut, If took care of himself and practiced hard.
– He wants to have a fan-meeting and throw a surprise concert for fans.